Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)


Directions to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in all Courts, Court Houses and Justice Service Points in the Republic of South Africa

6. Postponement of criminal cases and related matters

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6.1 An audiovisual link, where such a link exists, must be used for postponing cases where accused persons are in custody


6.2 A court manager and a head of a correctional centre where the audiovisual link equipment has been installed, must ensure that such a system is at all times in a functional state and must take immediate and necessary steps for its repair if it becomes dysfunctional.


6.3 Directors of Public Prosecutions must, subject to any directive that the National Director of Public Prosecutions may give, issue such directives as may be necessary, to facilitate and expedite the fixing of bail by prosecutors as permitted in terms of section 59A(1) of the Criminal Procedure Act.


6.4 All matters where children are detained in Child and Youth Care Centres and Correctional Centres must be brought before court for consideration of continued detention.