Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)


Directions regarding Sale of Cars and Emergency Automobile Repairs during Alert Level 4

2. Permitted trading activities

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2.1. The following trading activities with regard to cars are permitted during Alert Level 4:
2.1.1. Trade in new and used cars;
2.1.2. wholesale trade of new and used cars by OEMs and importers;
2.1.3. export and import of all category of cars through national ports of entry under strict guidelines; and
2.1.4. trade-in purchases, car lease scheme returns and wholesale trading of used cars.


2.2. To allow for and facilitate the sales of cars, and the proper functioning of the supply chain, it is necessary that the various administrative and other functionaries, such as roadworthy assessment and testing centres, and other testing stations are operational.


2.3. Car sales will be allowed under the following conditions:


2.3.1.Phase One: All dealerships and used car outlets will operate with up to 30% of employment subject to a maximum of one employee or customer per every nine (9) square metres of floor space: Provided that small businesses may operate with a minimum of five employees. The majority of car sales will be done remotely via the internet or e-Commerce or telephone. Personal contact will be kept to a minimum and only on appointment under very strict hygiene and social distancing conditions in line with the Regulations. Test drives will be conducted on appointment only. Home delivery of vehicles with full sanitisation will be mandatory. Where possible, electronic, or virtual signatures will be used for finance and insurance documentation. Car auctions for all categories will be conducted online in compliance with the CPA Regulations.


2.3.2Phase Two: All dealerships and used car outlets will operate with up to 60% of employment. Limited customers will be allowed to enter the dealership under very strict hygiene and social distancing conditions in line with the Regulations. Remote vehicle sales will continue for those potential customers with access to online services. Test drives can be arranged on site by appointment only, and under very strict hygiene conditions including fully sanitised cars. On site pick-ups and deliveries of fully sanitised cars will be allowed under strict hygiene conditions with an option of home delivery of fully sanitised cars, if possible. Car auctions for all categories will be conducted online in compliance with the CPA Regulations and limited physical contact will be allowed for viewing prior to the auction under very strict hygiene conditions including fully sanitised cars.


2.3.3 Phase Three: From 8 June 2020 until Alert Level 4 is Lifted: All dealerships and used car outlets will operate with up to 100% of employment. Customer on-site contact will be allowed, but kept to a minimum, whilst remote vehicle sales is encouraged. Test drives can be arranged on site by appointment only, and under very strict hygiene conditions including fully sanitised cars. On site pick-ups and deliveries of fully sanitised cars will be allowed under strict hygiene conditions with an option of home delivery of fully sanitised cars if possible. Car auctions for all categories will be conducted online in compliance with the CPA Regulations and limited physical contact will be allowed for viewing prior to the auction under very strict hygiene conditions including fully sanitised cars and limits on the numbers of persons at auctions in order to maintain a distance of at least 1,5m between persons at all times, including when entering or exiting from an auction.


2.3.4 Further Directions in relation to the sale of cars: All dealerships and used car outlets will ensure limited teams of employees and contractors to access the dealerships to prepare for the start-up in line with COVID-19 risk mitigation measures. All dealerships and used car outlets shall implement health and safety measures, including, but not limited to the following:
(a) Sanitisation procedures at all sites will be strictly applied to ensure that all work surfaces, equipment and cars on the floor are disinfected before the dealership is opened, and regularly cleaned during the working period;
(b) maintaining social distancing protocols at all times;
(c) ensuring that all staff and customers wear a cloth face mask or a home-made item that covers the nose and mouth and not allowing any customer access to a dealership, used car outlet or auction without a face mask;
(d) not allowing an employee who is sick or who has COVID-19 symptoms to work;
(e) mandatory screening of all employees when they arrive for work on a daily basis;
(f) mandatory signing of a register by all visitors and customers to all sites; and
(g) not permitting children access to dealerships and used car outlets under Alert Level 4. Dealer Principals or other persons in charge of dealerships and used car outlets will ensure that ongoing training and guidance on personal hygiene and preventative measures are communicated to all employees on a regular basis. All dealerships and used car outlets shall at all times act in compliance with risk-adjusted measures for occupational health and safety as a prerequisite for operation.


Support and Enablement Services

In order to improve efficiency and support car sales, the following entities must be allowed to operate under strict risk-adjusted measures, hygiene and physical distancing requirements stipulated in the Regulations—

(a) Car testing centres;
(b) Homologation services from the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications [NRCS];
(c) Weigh bridges;
(d) Logistics for the wholesale distribution of cars across South Africa, subject to the following:
(i) movement of cars under own power to be permitted from Port of arrival to an approved storage facility provided vehicles moved do not exceed batches of 10 at a time;
(ii) new cars to be driven between dealerships within the same province where a car is required for sale only; and
(iii) movement of cars to be permitted to service outlets required to complete the repair of the car where unable to perform the work at the dealership but excluding the fitment of accessories.