Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)


Disaster Management Volunteer Regulations, 2010

7. Records to be kept and processed by municipal disaster management centre

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(1)The head of the centre must keep a register in which the following particulars are recorded in respect of every person enrolled as a volunteer in terms of regulation 6:
(a)Full name, surname and identity number;
(d)full residential address, postal address and telephone number;
(e)cellular telephone number and e-mail address, if applicable;
(f)contact details of next-of-kin;
(h)full business address and telephone number;
(i)the component to which the volunteer is allocated;
(j)date of enrolment as a volunteer; and
(k)such other particulars as the head of the centre may consider necessary.


(2)When a volunteer changes his or her address, the volunteer must within 7 days from such change inform the head of the centre thereof and at the same time furnish full details of his or her new address.


(3)The particulars recorded in terms of subregulation (1) must in accordance with section 58(3)(b) of the Act be submitted to the National Centre within 21 days of a person's enrolment as a volunteer.