Division of Revenue Act, 2017 (Act No. 3 of 2017)


Allocations to Provincial and Local Governments

Explanatory Memorandum to the Allocations set out in the attached Schedule

Framework for Conditional Grant to Municipalities

Annexure 3 : Detailed framework on Schedule 5, Part B grant to municipalities

Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Grant

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Municipal Disaster Recovery Grant

Transferring department

Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Vote 4)

Grant schedule

Schedule 5, Part B

Strategic goal

To restore functionality of municipal infrastructure following a disaster

Grant purpose

To rehabilitate and reconstruct municipal infrastructure damaged b a disaster

Outcome statements

Municipal infrastructure damaged by a disaster rehabilitated and reconstructed


Municipal infrastructure damaged by a disaster reconstructed and rehabilitated

Priority outcome(s) of government that this grant primarily contributes to

Outcome 9: Responsive, accountable, effective and efficient developmental local government system

Details contained in the business plan

This grant uses the template/framework developed by the National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC) which must include a project implementation plan, highlighting:
olist of projects to be implemented in order of priority
otimeframes within which the projects will be implemented
oestimated costs of projects
odisaster risk reduction measures for the proposed reoccurrence of disaster related damage in the future
onumber of households to benefit from the ro'ects and estimated 'obs to be created


A business plan and project implementation plan signed by the Accounting Officer aligned to the post disaster verification assessment report must be submitted to the NDMC
Disaster reconstruction and rehabilitation funds must only be utilised for approved projects as listed in the post disaster verification assessment reports and approved business plans
Monthly and quarterly financial and non -financial performance reports on disaster allocations must be submitted to the NDMC through the relevant Provincial Disaster Management Centre (PDMC)
Annual performance evaluation report on financial and non -financial performance to be submitted to the NDMC through the relevant PDMC
Municipalities must liaise and align the disaster recovery projects with the Municipal Infrastructure Grant projects to ensure proper monitoring and reporting on the progress for implementation of the projects
Transfers will only be made if municipalities have submitted financial and non-financial reports required in terms of the 2017 Division of Revenue Act for this financial year and the previous financial year (if funds for disaster recovery were allocated in that year)
Funds will be transferred in tranches, the transfer of funds will depend on the past and current performance of the municipalities in relation to the conditions of the grant in case funds for disaster recovery were allocated in the previous year

Allocation criteria

The grant is allocated based on approved post-disaster reconstruction and rehabilitation assessment reports
Only post-disaster reconstruction and rehabilitation projects that have been submitted for verification assessments within a six month time frame following a disaster will be considered

Reasons not incorporated in equitable share

This grant caters for recovery after unforeseen disasters

Past performance

2016/17 audited financial outcomes

R140 million was allocated, and the R140 million (100 per cent of the allocation) was transferred to municipalities

2016/17 service delivery performance

Following disasters, the grant was provided for the repair and replacement of infrastructure in the following municipalities:
oUmzumbe Local Municipality: Repair roads and bridges
oeThekwini Metro: repair roads and bridges
oAlfred Duma Local Municipality: Repair storm water, roads, bridges and streetlights
oUmdoni Local Municipality: Repair of roads and storm water drainage
oNkomazi Local Municipality: Repair of culverts
oHessequa Local Municipality: Repair of storm water infrastructure, municipal infrastructure and roads

Projected life

The 2017 adjustment budget only allocated funds for the 2017/18 financial year. Allocations for future years will be considered through the budget process

MTEF allocations

2017/18: R26 million

Payment schedule

Transfers are made in accordance with a payment schedule approved by National Treasury

Responsibilities of the transferring national officer and receiving officer

Responsibilities of National Disaster Management Centre

Advise municipalities about the existence of the grant and its conditions
Provide municipalities with a final post-disaster verification assessment report that includes a project list and projected costs for all infrastructure to be reconstructed or rehabilitated. This report must be provided through the relevant PDMC
Monitor the implementation of projects together with the affected municipalities and provinces
Make payments to municipalities in accordance with the approved payment schedule
Transfer funds only when evidence on project performance and expenditure reports are submitted

Responsibilities of Provincial Disaster Management Centres

Advise municipalities about the existence of the grant and its conditions
Assist municipalities with the rapid assessment reports to be submitted to the NDMC
Provide support to municipalities with regard to the final post-disaster verification report
Ensure that the final post-disaster verification report is signed-off by both the accounting officer in the municipality and the provincial department
Provide a copy of the final post-disaster verification report to municipalities
Assist municipalities with business plans incorporating the implementation plan and disaster risk reduction measures for the proposed projects to prevent reoccurrence of disaster related damages in future
Conduct on-site visits to monitor and report on the implementation of projects and provide reports of progress to the NDMC
Provide financial and non-financial reports to the NDMC within 10 days after the end of each month. Photographs depicting the projects progress should be included as an annexure
Provide expenditure and project performance reports including evidence to the NDMC within 35 days after the end of the quarter in which funds are spent

Responsibilities of municipalities

Develop and submit business plans incorporating implementation plans and disaster risk reduction measures for the proposed projects to prevent reoccurrence of disaster related damages in future
Conduct on-site visits to monitor and evaluate the impact of projects and provide reports which include evidence to the NDMC through the relevant PDMC
Utilise the funds in line with the approved post-disaster verification assessment report
Provide financial and non-financial reports to the PDMC within five days of the end of each  month. Photographs depicting the project progress should be included as an annexure
Provide financial and non-financial performance reports signed-off by the Municipal Manager to the PDMC within 30 days after the end of the quarter in which funds are spent

Process for approval of the 2018/19 business plans

Not applicable