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7 of Act 54 of 1970
Abolition of orders for
Act No 70 of 1979
amended by
Amendment of
Application of Act
as amended by
certain foreign divorce orders
continuous unconsciousness
dependent and minor children
Dissolution of marriage
Division of assets
Divorce Act, 1979
Forfeiture of
ground of divorce
grounds of divorce
Irretrievable break-down
judicial separation
Limitation of publication
maintenance of parties
Mental illness or
of marriage
of marriage as
particulars of divorce action
patrimonial benefits
Recognition of
Refusal to grant divorce
Repeal of laws
restitution conjugal rights
Safeguarding of interests
section 2 of Act 13 of 1966
section 5 of Act 37 of 1953
section 72 of Act 66 of 1965
Short title and commencement
suspension or
variation of orders