Domestic Violence Act, 1998 (Act No. 116 of 1998)

19A. Period within which directives and regulations must be submitted to Parliament

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(a) The directives referred to in sections 18A and 18B must be submitted to Parliament within 12 months from the date of assent of the Domestic Violence Amendment Act, 2021.
(b) A Director-General who is in terms of section 18A or 18B, responsible for the issuing of directives must, in the event of a failure to submit the directives to Parliament, within 12 months from the date of assent of the Domestic Violence Amendment Act, 2021, report such failure and the reasons for such failure to Parliament before the end of the month following upon the month during which the 12-month period expires and thereafter at such intervals as Parliament may determine.
(c) The failure to submit the directives referred to in paragraph (a) to Parliament within 12 months from the date of assent of the Domestic Violence Amendment Act, 2021, does not affect the validity of any such directives that are submitted to Parliament after the expiration of the said period and thereafter issued.



(a) The Minister must, in terms of section 19(2) submit regulations that are necessary or required to be made for the proper implementation and administration of this Act to Parliament within 12 months from the date of assent of the Domestic Violence Amendment Act, 2021.
(b) The Minister must, in the event of a failure to submit the regulations referred to in paragraph (a) to Parliament, within 12 months from the date of assent of the Domestic Violence Amendment Act, 2021, report such failure and the reasons for such failure to Parliament before the end of the month following upon the month during which the 12-month period expires and thereafter at such intervals as Parliament may determine.
(c) The failure to submit the regulations referred to in paragraph (a) to Parliament within 12 months from the date of assent of the Domestic Violence Amendment Act, 2021, does not affect the validity of any such regulations that are submitted to Parliament after the expiration of the said period and made thereafter.


[Section 19A inserted by section 26 of the Domestic Violence Amendment Act, 2021 (Act No. 14 of 2021), as per Notice No. 788, GG45824, dated 28 January 2022 - comes into operation on the date of publication of this Act - effective 14 April 2023 as the date on which the said Act, with the exception of section 6A, comes into operation, as per Proclamation No. 117, GG48419, dated 14 April 2023]