"designated employer"


(a)an employer who employs 50 or more employees;
(b)[Paragraph (b) deleted by section 1(a) of Employment Equity Amendment Act 4 of 2022, Notice No. 3280, GG48418, dated 14 April 2023 - effective 1 January 2025 per Commencement Proclamation 231, GG51684 dated 28 November 2024]
(c)a municipality, as referred to in Chapter 7 of the Constitution;
(d)an organ of state as defined in section 239 of the Constitution, but excluding the National Defence Force, the National Intelligence Agency and the South African Secret Service; and

[Paragraph (d) amended by section 1(a) of Act No. 47 of 2013]

(e)an employer bound by a collective agreement in terms of section 23 or 31 of the Labour Relations Act, which appoints it as a designated employer in terms of this Act, to the extent provided for in the agreement;