Employment Equity Act, 1998 (Act No. 55 of 1998)

Code of Good Practice

Integration of Employment Equity into Human Resource Policies and Practices

4. Structure of the Code

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4.1The structure of this Code mirrors the life cycle of an employee in employment. It deals with possible barriers and unfair discrimination that could occur at each phase, including commencing employment, during employment and on termination of employment. It also describes affirmative action measures that could be used at each phase to advance the objectives of the Act.


4.2Each topic focuses on the following areas:


4.2.1Scope. This section provides a brief definition of the topic in the context of the employment life cycle.


4.2.2Impact of employment equity. This section deals with non-discrimination principles and affirmative action measures that are relevant to the topic.


4.2.3Policy and practice matters. This section provides information about the policy and practice matters that could arise, and makes suggestions regarding their implementation.


4.2.4Link with other areas. This section identifies cross-references to other key topics as well as other relevant Codes and legislation dealt with in the Codes.