Estate Agency Affairs Act, 1976

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To provide for the establishment of an Estate Agency Affairs Board and an Estate Agents Fidelity Fund; for the control of certain activities of estate agents in the public interest; and for incidental matters.


Last update: April 2008

Copyright: This Act reproduced under Government Printers Copyright Authority 10154 dated 20 March 1996

Disclaimer: This Act is presented "as is". Please read our Disclaimer before continuing.


Latest Developments:


The Act has been updated by Notice No. 373 of 2006 printed in Government Gazette No. 28588 dated 2 March 2006.


The Appeal Regulations, 2003 have been added to the Act as gazetted in GG 24836 dated 9 May 2003.

The following bulleted points have been Gazetted but not yet added to the Estate Agency Affairs Act on Acts Online:

Amendment of Regulations – GG 22569 dated 17 August 2001 and GG 22623, 31 August 2001.


The Regulations regarding Conduct deserving of Sanction have been added to the Act as gazetted on 26-01-01 in GG 21997 as Notice 51 of 2001.

Board Notice 1 of 2001 giving dates and venues for examinations has been added as gazetted on 12-01-01 in GG 21969.

Notice No. R.631 regarding Exemption of a Category of Estate Agents, as published in Gazette 21300 and dated 23 June 2000, has been added to the Act.

Board Notice 15 of 2000 regarding examinations has been added to the Act.

The Code of Conduct for Estate Agents and various Regulations have been added to the Act.

The Estate Agency Affairs Act, 1976 has been added to the site on 23 August and is completely up to date.The last update being the Estate Agents Amendment Act, 1998, which came into operation on the 1 January 1999.


The Estate Agency Affairs Act, 1976 (Act No. 112 of 1976) has been updated by Regulations, Trust Account of an Estate Agent and Investment of Trust Moneys, Notice R. 1472 of 1977.