Expropriation Act, 1975 (Act No. 63 of 1975)


Regulations in terms of Section 25(1) of the Expropriation Act, 1975

23. Extension of time, condonation and notice to third parties

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(1)In the absence of agreement between the parties, a compensation court may, upon application on notice and on good cause shown, extend or abridge any period of time prescribed by these regulations or by any order of such court in connection with any proceedings, upon such conditions as it may deem necessary or expedient, and may also extend or abridge any period of time fixed by an order extending or abridging the time for doing any act or taking any step in connection with such proceedings.


(2)Any such extension may be granted although the application therefor is not made until after the expiry of the time prescribed or fixed, and the compensation court may, at its discretion, make such order as to the cancelling or varying of the results of the expiry of any time so prescribed or fixed, whether such results flow from any order of the compensation court or from these regulations.


(3)The compensation court may, on good cause shown, condone the non-compliance with any of these regulations.


(4)If it appears, at any stage during the hearing of an application or case, that the rights of persons, excluding those notified thereof, may be affected by the judgment in such application or case, a compensation court may order that a notice of the application or copy of any process of the compensation court or of any other document be served on such other persons in such manner as the compensation court may order, and the court concerned may to that end adjourn the hearing of the application or the case concerned.


(5)The compensation court may, upon such conditions as it may deem necessary or expedient, permit a respondent to be heard at the hearing of the application, notwithstanding the fact that such respondent has failed to file a reply.