Chapter 6 : Exemptions: Publications and Films

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22. Exemption of persons from certain sections, and exclusions from

23. Exhibition of films to distributor of films not prohibited by this Act

24. Exemption in respect of distribution of certain publications and

24A. Prohibitions, offences and penalties on possessions of films, games and publications

24B. Offences and penalties in respect of child pornography and sexual exploitation of children

24C. Obligations of internet access and service providers

24D. Prohibition, offences and penalties for submission of false and misleading information to online submission system of Board

24E. Prohibitions, offences and penalties on distribution of private sexual photographs and films

24F. Prohibitions, offences and penalties on filming and distribution of films and photographs depicting sexual assault and violence against children

24G. Prohibitions, offences and penalties on propaganda for war, incitement of imminent violence, and advocacy of hatred based on an identifiable group characteristic and that constitutes incitement to cause harm

25. [Repealed] Prohibition of distribution of publications contrary to classifications