Films and Publications Act, 1996 (Act No. 65 of 1996)

Schedule 12 : Acts Repealed

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(Section 33)


No and year of Act


Extent of repeal

Act No 44 of 1958

Post Office Act, 1958

The proviso to section 29(2)

Act No 37 of 1967

Indecent or Obscene Photographic Matter Act, 1967

The whole

Act No 42 of 1974

Publications Act, 1974

The whole

Act No 18 of 1977

Transkei Publications Act, 1977

The whole

Act No 79 of 1977

Publications Amendment Act, 1977

The whole

Act No 109 of 1978

Publications Amendment Act, 1978

The whole

Act No 36 of 1979

Bophuthatswana Publications Act, 1979

The whole

Act No 44 of 1979

Publications Amendment Act, 1979

The whole

Act No 70 of 1979

Divorce Act, 1979

In so far as it relates to the Publications Act, 1974

Act No 15 of 1983

Venda Publications Act, 1983

The whole

Act No 60 of 1986

Publications Amendment Act, 1986

The whole

Act No 51 of 1991

Transfer of Powers and Duties of the State President Act, 1991

In so far as it relates to the Publications Act, 1974

Act No 90 of 1992

Publications Amendment Act, 1992

The whole

Act No 206 of 1993

Abolition of Restrictions on Free Political Activity Act, 1993

Section 1