Friendly Societies Act, 1956 (Act No. 25 of 1956)


Part II : Documents and Particulars to be Furnished when Applying for Registration under Section Five

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8. Every application for registration of a friendly society shall consist of a letter signed by the person for the time being at the head of the body managing the business of the society or on behalf of the employer participating in the society, in which—
(i) he applies for registration of the society;
(ii)is reflected the full title of the society;
(iii) is given the full address (which must not only be a post office box number) of the registered office of the society;
(iv)is given the full name and address of the person for the time being, or who will upon registration of the society be managing the society or for the time being at the head of the body managing the society;
(v)is given the name and address of the auditor of the society if the society has an auditor, and shall be accompanied by—
(a)two copies of the rules of the society duly certified, as explained in regulation 17, by the applicant as being the rules which will become effective on the date of registration of the society or from the date of commencement of the society whichever is the later;


(i)in the case of a society which intends carrying on any kind of business which is subject to actuarial scrutiny a certificate by a valuator, stating his name, address, professional qualifications and experience, to the effect that the rules of the society are based on sound financial principles;
(ii) in the case of any other society, a statement setting forth such information regarding the financial soundness of the rules as the applicant may possess;
(c) except where the society is an association of persons, the name and address of the participating employer, or if there are more than one employer a list of the names and addresses of all the employers concerned;
(d) where a limited liability company, a co-operative society or other corporate body will contribute to the society, two copies of a document (for example, an extract from the articles of association or a copy of the directors’ resolution, etc.), to indicate the authority in terms of which the company, cooperative society or other corporate body will participate in the society. If no such authority exists the fact must be clearly stated; and
(e) the applicable registration fees set out in the Second Schedule

[Paragraph (e) substituted by Government Notice R202 of 1993]


9. An application for registration of a society which will operate exclusively by means of policies of insurance, issued by a person lawfully carrying on insurance business within the meaning of the Insurance Act, 1943, shall consist of a letter as indicated in regulation 8 and shall be accompanied by—
(a) all the documents and particulars set out in paragraphs (a), (d) and (e) of regulation 8;
(b) a certificate by the insurer concerned to the effect that—
(i) an insurance policy will be maintained with it in terms of the rules of the society; and
(ii) the rules submitted by the applicant are those which will apply upon registration of the society;
(c) a certified copy of the insurance contract to be entered into between the society and the insurer concerned; and
(d) a certificate by the applicant concerned to the effect that—
(i)the society will not provide its members with any benefits not covered by the insurance policy referred to in (c); and
(ii)the society will not hold any assets or investments and will not handle any money apart from the collection of contributions and the payment of benefits on behalf of the insurer concerned and money required for administration purposes;

and may be accompanied by an application for conditional exemption from the provisions of the Act.


10. An application for registration of a society which claims exemption under section three (2) (c) of the Act shall consist of a letter as indicated in regulation 8 and shall be accompanied by—
(a) all the documents and particulars set out in regulation 8; and
(b) a memorandum in which is clearly set out the measure of control which will be exercised over the society by the Department of the State concerned.