Gas Act, 2001 (Act No. 48 of 2001)


Gas Act Rules, 2009


Annexure B : Form: Application for a licence

Chapter 2 : Documents to be attached to this application

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1.If the applicant is a natural person and a South African citizen, a certified copy of the applicant's identity document.


2.In the case of a non-South African citizen, a certified copy of her/his:
(b)permanent residence permit or employment permit; and
(c)proof of residence in South Africa, or proof of domicile in South Africa.


3.If the applicant is:
(a)a national, provincial or local government;
(b)another statutory body;
(c)a juristic person established in terms of an Act of Parliament; or
(d)a company or other legal body established by statute or government directive,

attach a copy of the proclamation establishing such a body or state relevant legislation.


4.If the applicant is not a natural person, and is not contemplated in 3 above, attach
(a)a document stating—
(i)the title of legislation under which it is registered;
(ii)the registration number given to it in terms of such legislation;
(iii)in the case of companies, the names of current directors and the ownership or shareholding structure, including particulars of the shareholders;
(b)a certified copy of the identity document of the mandated representative authorised to make the application, if applicable; and
(c)documentary proof of authorisation to make the application.


5.Provisions to meet any criteria specified in terms of section 19(2) of the Act (if applicable).


6.Documents demonstrating the administrative abilities of the applicant. 1


7.Documents demonstrating the financial abilities of the applicant. 1


8.Documents demonstrating the technical abilities of the applicant. 1


9.Where the facility is owned by more than one person, the applicant must provide—
(a)details of the co-ownership and documentary proof thereof or a solemn declaration to that effect; and
(b)written mandate from each of the other owners authorising the applicant to apply for the licence on their behalf.


10.A certified copy of the Record of Decision of the relevant environmental authorities in accordance with the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act NO.1 07 of 1998) permitting the activity for which the licence is sought, if applicable.


11.If the Record of Decision in 10 above has not been obtained, then submit:
(a)proof of such a permit application; or
(b)a solemn declaration outlining the applicant's plans and ability to comply with all applicable labour, health and environmental legislation.


12.If 10 above is not applicable, state reasons thereof.


13.List all applicable:
(b)operating and technical standards; and
(c)codes and specifications (including those relating to safety) to be used in the activities for which this application is made, for example:
(i)the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Standards;
(ii)American Petroleum Institute (API) Standards; and
(iii)European Norms (EN).


14.Provide detailed technical specifications of the gas that will be handled at the facility for which this application is made, including:
(a)the chemical and physical composition of the gas;
(b)calorific values of the gas; and
(c)the combustion properties, including the Wobbe Index of the gas.


15.Provide Information required by regulations made in terms of the Act concerning mechanisms to promote historically disadvantaged South Africans.



1 Only original or certified copies will be accepted by the Energy Regulator.