Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997)

Chapter 6A : National Institutes for Higher Education

49M. Governance, composition of board and committees

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(1)A national institute of higher education is governed by a board.


(2)The board of a national institute for higher education consists of—
(a)a chairperson; and
(b)not more than 10 ordinary members.


(3)The majority of members contemplated in subsection (1) must have specific knowledge and experience in—
(a)higher education generally; and
(b)the scope of application of the specific institute established in terms of section 49K(1), specifically.


(4)The board may co-opt persons to the board, for a period not exceeding the term of office of the board and these co-opted persons have no voting rights.


(5)The chairperson and members contemplated in subsection (2) are appointed by the Minister from nominations received in the manner prescribed for that national institute for higher education and must, as far as is practically possible, be representative of the higher education institutions affected by the establishment of the specific national institute.


(6)The board—
(a)must establish—
(i)an executive committee;
(ii)an audit and risk committee;
(iii)a human resources and remuneration committee; and
(iv)any other committee prescribed by the Minister; and
(b)may establish any other committee.


(7)The composition, manner of election, functions, procedure at meetings and the dissolution of committees of the board are determined by the institutional rules and policies of the board and the principles of good governance.


[Section 49M inserted by section 29 of Notice No. 21, GG 40548, dated 17 January 2017]