Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997)


Institutional Statute of Stellenbosch University, 2019

Chapter 2 : Governance


19. Powers and functions

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(1) The Senate is responsible, and accountable to the Council, for the academic and research functions of the University.


(2) The Senate regulates learning, teaching, research and academic support functions at the University, and makes recommendations to the Council in respect of policies concerning academic matters.


(3) The Senate exercises the powers and performs the duties and functions conferred on it by or in terms of the Act, this Statute and the rules, including any powers, duties and functions delegated to it by the Council, and in particular:
(a) must advise the Council on the admissions policy of the University in accordance with section 37(1) and (3) of the Act;
(b) must approve any admissions-related functions specified in section 37(4) of the Act, the Council wishes to perform;
(c) must concur with the language policy of the University in accordance with section 27(2) of the Act;
(d) must determine, with the approval of the Council, the conditions for the obtaining of qualifications, decide which persons have satisfied the conditions, and submit the names to the Council;
(e) must make rules for examinations, and control and supervise examinations;
(f) must make rules for academic programmes, after consultation with the applicable faculty boards;
(g) may make recommendations to the Council on the establishment, disestablishment or reconfiguration of academic structures, including faculties and departments, and of other entities and structures that are closely connected with the academic and research functions of the University;
(h) must approve the composition of faculty boards in accordance with clause 23(2);
(i) must make recommendations to the Council on the appointment of the deans of the faculties;
(j) may appoint committees consisting of Senate members, or Senate members and other persons with relevant knowledge and experience, to assist the Senate in the performance of its functions;
(k) must appoint any committees required by the rules or the policies of the University; and
(l) subject to clause 63 of this Statute, may delegate any of its powers or functions to a committee, structure or employee of the University, but the Senate remains responsible and accountable for the exercise of the power and the performance of the function so delegated.