Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997)


Standard Institutional Statute, 2018

Chapter 8 : Institutional Forum

44. Decision-making

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(1) If at least 75 per cent of the members present at a meeting vote either in favour of or against a specific proposal, the Institutional Forum has taken a decision: Provided that where the decision is to be taken on the suitability of a person to be appointed to a position, a decision by the majority of members present shall be the decision of the Institutional Forum.


(2) If the Council requests the Institutional Forum to advise the Council on a specific matter and no proposal put before the Institutional Forum enjoys the support of 75 per cent of the members present, the Chairperson shall be obliged to call a follow-up meeting within two weeks.


(3) If at the follow-up meeting the Institutional Forum does not take an advisory decision, the Executive Committee of the Institutional Forum in conjunction with the other members of the Institutional Forum shall compile a summary of the various opinions expressed at the Institutional Forum and shall submit the summary to the Council.


(4) Where the Institutional Forum has taken an advisory decision that is submitted to the Council, a member or members with a minority viewpoint shall be entitled to formulate the minority viewpoint or viewpoints in writing and to submit such viewpoint or viewpoints to the Executive Committee of the Institutional Forum that, in turn, will submit it to Council.