Housing Development Agency Act, 2008 (Act No. 23 of 2008)

15. Committees

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1)The Board may from time to time appoint one or more committees.


2)The Board must-
a)assign members of the Board to serve on a committee, based on their knowledge and skills;
b)determine the-
i)terms of reference of a committee;
ii)composition of a committee;
iii)tenure of members on a committee;
iv)reporting mechanisms of a committee; and
v)method and reasons for removal of a member from a committee.


3)Non-executive members of the Board must make up the majority of the members of a Committee.


4)The Board may appoint specialists to a committee for their technical support.


5)Unless specially delegated by the Board a committee has no decision-making powers and can only make recommendations to the Board.


6)A committee must meet as often as is necessary in order to carry out its functions and may determine its own procedures.


7)Each committee must be chaired by a non-executive member of the Board.