Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962)


Regulations in terms of section 12T(8) of the Income Tax Act, 1962, on the requirements for Tax Free Investment

Part IV : Withdrawal and transfer

9D. Disqualification of service provider in respect of transfers

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A product provider that is unable to transfer any amount in respect of a tax free investment to another product provider after receipt of an instruction by an investor to transfer that amount—

(a)may not accept any further amount in respect of any tax free investment administered by that product provider; and
(b)many not administer any tax free investment other than a tax free investment administered before the date on which that product provider is unable to transfer that amount.


[Regulation 9D inserted by regulation 7 of Notice No. R. 309, GG 40758, dated 31 March 2017]