Insolvency Act, 1936 (Act No. 24 of 1936)

40. First and second meetings of creditors

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(1)On the receipt of an order of the court sequestrating an estate finally, the Master shall immediately convene by notice in the Gazette, a first meeting of the creditors of the estate for the proof of their claims against the estate and for the election of a trustee.


(2)The Master shall publish such notice on a date not less than ten days before the date upon which the meeting is to be held and shall in such notice state the time and place at which the meeting is to be held.


(a)After the first meeting of creditors and the appointment of a trustee, the Master shall appoint a second meeting of creditors for the proof of claims against the estate, and for the purpose of receiving the report of the trustee on the affairs and condition of the estate and giving the trustee directions in connection with the administration of the estate.
(b)The trustee shall convene the second meeting of creditors by notice in the Gazette and in one or more newspapers circulating in the district in which the insolvent resides or his principal place of business is situate.
(c)Whenever the notice referred to in paragraph (b) is published in any newspaper, the publication shall take place simultaneously in the Afrikaans language and in the English language and in the case of each such language in a newspaper circulating in the district referred to in the said paragraph which appears mainly in that language and the publication in each such language shall as far as practicable occupy the same amount of space: Provided that where in the district in question any newspaper appears substantially in both such languages publication in both such languages may take place in that newspaper.