Intelligence Services Act, 2002 (Act No. 65 of 2002)


Intelligence Services Regulations, 2014

Chapter XXIII : Civilian Intelligence Veterans Association

6. Membership or Affiliation

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(1)Membership to the Civilian Intelligence Veterans Association is voluntary.


(2)A former member of the Agency, the Intelligence Service, Academy or the widow or widower of a retired member or groups of retired members, may obtain membership without any restriction on location whether inside or outside the borders of the Republic of South Africa: Provided that such a former member was not discharged from the Agency, the Intelligence Service or Academy due to misconduct contemplated in Chapter XVIII or poor performance contemplated in Chapter XIX.


(3)Membership or affiliation may be granted to individuals and groups who apply in writing to the Civilian Intelligence Veterans Association Board.


(4)A minimum of ten (10) former members of the Agency, the Intelligence Service and/or Academy, who comply with the criteria contemplated in regulation 6(2), may affiliate with the Civilian Intelligence Veterans Association as a group.


(5)If former members, regardless of the reason, prefer not to join an affiliated group, the Association must accommodate such persons as members: Provided that—
(a)they comply with the criteria contemplated in regulation 6(2);
(b)such members accept that they must forgo the social togetherness and support that are characteristic of affiliated groups; and
(c)that they do not have the right to vote at the annual or any special general meeting.