Intimidation Act, 1982 (Act No. 72 of 1982)

1A. Intimidation of general public, particular section of population or inhabitants of particular area

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(1)Any person who with intent to put in fear or to demoralize or to induce the general public, a particular section of the population or the inhabitants of a particular area in the Republic to do or to abstain from doing any act, in the Republic or elsewhere—
(a)commits an act of violence or threatens or attempts to do so;
(b)performs any act which is aimed at causing, bringing about, promoting or contributing towards such act or threat of violence, or attempts, consents or takes any steps to perform such act;
(c)conspires with any other person to commit, bring about or perform any act or threat referred to in paragraph (a) or act referred to in paragraph (b), or to aid in the commission, bringing about or performance thereof; or
(d)incites, instigates, commands, aids, advises, encourages or procures any other person to commit, bring about or perform such act or threat,

shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine which the court may in its discretion deem fit or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 25 years or to both such fine and such imprisonment.


(2)If in any prosecution for an offence in terms of subsection (1) it is proved that the accused has committed any act alleged in the charge, and if such act resulted or was likely to have resulted in the achievement of any of the objects specified in subsection (1), it shall be presumed, unless the contrary is proved, that the accused has committed that act with intent to achieve such object.


(3)If in any prosecution for an offence in terms of subsection (1) the act with which the accused is charged, consists thereof, and it is proved, that he unlawfully had in his possession any automatic or semi-automatic rifle, machine gun, sub-machine gun, machine pistol, rocket launcher, recoilless gun or mortar, or any ammunition for or component part of such weaponry, or any grenade, mine, bomb or explosive, it shall be presumed, unless the contrary is proved, that the accused had the said weaponry, ammunition, component part, grenade, mine, bomb or explosive in his possession with intent to commit therewith or in connection therewith in the Republic, in order to achieve any of the objects specified in subsection (1), any of the acts contemplated in paragraphs (a) to (d) inclusive.


(4)For the purposes of this section 'violence' includes the inflicting of bodily harm upon or killing of, or the endangering of the safety of, any person, or the damaging, destruction or endangering of property.


[Section 1A inserted by section 7 of Act No. 126 of 1992]