Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


Bargaining Council for the Building Industry, Cape of Good Hope

Re-enactment and Amendment of Main Collective Agreement

12. Benefits

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(1)Every employee who works the full contracted number of normal working hours on a normal working day or who is entitled to be off duty on a public holiday that falls on a normal working day shall be entitled to receive benefits in terms of this Agreement, and shall for the purposes of this Agreement, and shall for the purposes of this Agreement be deemed to be an eligible employee: Provided that an employee who works for an employer on any normal working day, but is prevented from working the full normal working hours owing to circumstances beyond his control, or for any good reason accepted by his employer, shall also be deemed to be an eligible employee in respect of that day: Provided further that an employee who has been laid off in terms of sub clause 8(9) shall not be entitled to benefits.


(2)An employer shall purchase benefits in the prescribed manner from the Council for the purpose of making the contributions prescribed in this Agreement in respect of eligible employees.


(3)The Council shall retain each eligible employee"s benefits record, and the benefits so purchased by the employer shall be indicated on the employee"s payslip.


(4)An employee who contracts to work compressed working weeks of less than five normal working days shall be entitled to benefits for five days for each compressed working week that is worked.