Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


Motor Industry Bargaining Council  (MIBCO)

Main Collective Agreement

Division A : Provisions Applicable to all Establishments in the Industry

Clause 3 : Particulars of Employment and Remuneration

3.13 Travelling Allowances

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(1)An employer who requires an employee, other than a traveller, supply sales person or service supply salesman, to work away from the establishment where he is ordinarily employed shall provide or arrange for the mode of transport, and shall pay such employee—
(a)whilst travelling as a passenger, at ordinary rates of wages, not exceeding, however, one day"s pay in respect of every 24 consecutive hours" travelling time;
(b)whilst on the job or whilst travelling in a vehicle which he is required to drive, at ordinary rates of wages for any part of the work and/or driving which is done during the normal hours of the establishment in which he is employed, and at overtime rates as laid down in this Agreement for any part of the work and/or driving which is done outside of such normal hours;
(c)second-class return fare if he travels by train and a refund of the cost of his meals and bedding on the train;
(d)a refund of board and lodging when on the job or travelling to and from the job;
(e)not less than R65 per night for such nights as he is prevented by his work from returning to his home.


(2)A traveller, supply sales person or service supply salesman who—
(a)on any journey undertaken in the performance of his duties is absent from his place of residence and his employer"s establishment for any period in excess of six consecutive hours, shall be—
(i)reimbursed by his employer against receipt or dockets for all expenses reasonably incurred by him for the provision of any meals and refreshments for himself during such period of absence not extending over a night; or
(ii)paid a subsistence allowance or reimbursed by his employer against receipts or dockets for expenses reasonably incurred by him in respect of refreshments, meals and accommodation during each night of absence (‘night’ meaning for the purpose hereof the period between 23:00 and 04:00), not less than R135 for each night or reimbursement of actual expenditure, whichever is the greater;
(b)uses his employer"s motor vehicle or who is required to travel by train or any other but his own means of conveyance, shall be reimbursed by his employer for all reasonable transport expenses incurred by him in the performance of his duties, and for the purposes of this paragraph the overnight garaging of a motor vehicle shall be deemed to be a transport expense;
(c)is required or permitted to provide a motor vehicle for the performance of his duties, shall be paid by his employer an inclusive transport allowance in respect of each kilometre travelled in such vehicle in the performance of his duties; such transport allowance shall be as determined by the Council from time to time.


(3)Any allowances and expenses payable to a traveller, supply sales person or service supply salesman in terms of subclause (2) shall be paid by his employer within seven days of such employee"s written claim therefor:  Provided that the employee shall not submit more than one claim for any such allowances and expenses in any one week, nor shall he submit such claims at intervals between claims of more than one month.


(4)The provisions of this clause shall not apply to mobile workshops: Provided that bedding and cooking equipment are supplied by the employer.