Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


Bargaining Council for the Contract Cleaning Services Industry

Kwa-Zulu Natal

Main Collective Agreement : Extention to Non-parties

11. Study Leave and Qualifications

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11.1Provided satisfactory proof is produced by an employee (other than a casual employee) the said employee is allowed to write, and has duly written, any examination conducted by a registered educational body, the employer shall grant study leave to that employee, on full pay, as follows:
(a)one day's leave to prepare for each such examination;
(b) one day's Ieave to write each such examination.


11.2 An employer shall keep all educational qualifications of his employees on file, provided that it shall be the responsibility of each employee to provide said employer with copies of the documentation concerned.


11.3 An employee may apply for a study loan, but this shall be dealt with on an in-house basis between the employer and employee concerned.


11.4 An employer shall not be required, at some later date, to provide any of the leave benefits laid down in this Clause to any employee, who has already taken such leave on a previous occasion but who failed to pass the examinations in respect of which such leave was granted.