Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


Bargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing Industry

KwaZulu Natal

Extension to Non-Parties of the Main Collective Agreement

Part 2

Annexure A

4. Wage Increase

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4.1. Party Shops : Subject to the provisions of Sub-Clause 4.3 and 4.4, all categories of employees to receive a 6,5% wage increase on actual wages paid as from the 1 July 2023.


4.2. For those employees whom received the awarded National Minimum Wage increase, a topping up to their wages will be increased by the percentage differential between the across the board increase and the National Minimum wage increase, from the 1 July 2023.


4.3. Non-Party Shops : All categories of employees to receive an increase of 6,5% on actual wages paid from 1 July 2023 or if the Agreement comes into effect after 1 July 2023 then the implementation date of this provision/clause will be from the date as determined by the Minister.


4.4. For those employees whom received the awarded National Minimum Wage increase, a topping up to their wages will be increased by the percentage differential between the across the board increase and the National Minimum wage increase, from the 1 July 2023 or if the Agreement comes into effect after 1 July 2023 then the implementation date of this provision/clause will be from the date as determined by the Minister.


4.5. The wage increases as per Sub-Clause 4.1. to 4.4. above, shall be subject to re-negotiations for the affected period as follows:
(a)In the event that the CPI rate be below 3,9% or above 9% the Parties to this Agreement shall meet to re-negotiate the wage increase relating to the period affected.


4.6.Wage increase per category as from the first July 2024 are as follows:—


4.7.All categories of employees to receive a 6% wage increase on actual wages  paid as from the 1 July 2024.


[Part 2 Annexure A(4) substituted by section 3 of Notice No. R. 3666 of GG48959, dated 14 July 2023]