Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


National Bargaining Council for the Chemical Industry

Pharmaceutical Sector

2023/2025 Substantive Agreement

6. Peace Obligation

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6.1Neither party to this Agreement shall engage in any form of industrial action against the other party regarding any disagreement on wages and other substantive conditions of employment during the entire period of this Agreement, unless disagreement arises out of the implementation and/or interpretation of this Agreement, in which case any party may refer the matter to the Bargaining Council for the Chemical Industry for resolution in terms of the dispute resolution procedure of said Council.


The said prohibition on industrial action does not apply in respect of the specific provision applicable to the Scope of the Agreement, as referred to in Point 1 above.


6.2For the purpose of this Agreement, "industrial action" means "strikes" and "lock-outs" as defined in the Labour Relations Act, 66 of 1995.


6.3Any party who reneges on any of the provisions of this Agreement, and who does not comply with the conditions of this Agreement,  shall be in breach thereof.