Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


National Bargaining Council of SA Leather Industry

Administration Expenses Collective Agreement to Non-parties

Extension of Administration Expenses Collective Agreement to Non-parties

5. Council Funds

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(1) Every employer shall, on each pay-day, deduct from the wages of his employees an amount equal to 0,2% of the employee’s wage (as defined) in any of the Main Agreements of the Council.


(2) To the total of the amount deducted in terms of (1) the employer shall add an equal amount and forward the total amount to the General Secretary of the Council, P.O. Box 23080, Port Elizabeth, 6000, not later than the 15th day of the following month.


(3) Where an employee is on leave on full pay or less than full pay, both his own and the employer’s contributions shall be continued.


(4) Should any amount due in terms of (1) and (2) not be received by the Council on the due date, the employer shall pay interest on such overdue amount at a rate of interest determined by the Council from time to time, subject to the Prescribed Rate of Interest Act, 1975.


(5) Interest in terms of (3) shall be charged from the first day of the month in which payment became due until the date upon which payment is actually received by the Council. The Council shall, in its absolute discretion, be entitled to waive payment of interest or part thereof.


(6) In the event of the employer failing to submit the amount payable in terms of subclause (4), the Council shall, for the purpose of instituting legal proceedings, calculate all outstanding levies payable based. on the last amount submitted by the employer.