Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)

Codes of Good Practice

Collective Bargaining, Industrial Action and Picketing

Part B : Collective Bargaining

11. Commencement of negotiations

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(1)Subject to any agreed procedures and the nature and size of the bargaining unit, the negotiators should consider holding pre-negotiation meeting/s to—
(a)agree to a timetable for the negotiations;
(b)decide whether or not to appoint and use a facilitator and if so, agree on a facilitator or request the CCMA or a bargaining council with jurisdiction to appoint a facilitator;
(c)consider any request for disclosure of information made in terms of the Act and this Code; and
(d)commit themselves to a good faith declaration by signing the model declaration in Schedule A to this Code.


(2)At the first negotiation meeting, each party should present a full motivation for its demands and responses.