Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


Bargaining Council for the Civil Engineering Industry

BCCEI : Renewal of Period of Operation of the Wage and Task Grade Collective Agreement

Chapter 3 - Wages, Wage Tables and Task Grade Interpretation

1. Wage and/or Earnings

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1.1Any employee who at the date of coming into operation of this agreement was in receipt of a higher rate than that prescribed in this agreement for the task grade which he/she is employed on shall continue to receive not less than such higher rate while he/she is employed by the same employer on the same task grade.


1.2 Every employee who on the date of coming into operation of this agreement is employed by an employer on a task grade classified in the agreement shall, whilst in the employ of the same employer and whether or not his/her actual rate of pay immediately prior to the said date was in excess of the rate specified for his/her task grade in this agreement, be paid not less than the actual rate he was receiving immediately prior to the said date plus, an additional amount for his/her task grade, as set out in the wage tables hereunder: Provided that:
1.2.1 The additional amount payable in terms of this sub-clause to an employee for his task grade may be reduced by the amount of any increase or increases granted to such employee/s prior to the promulgated wage increases.
1.2.2 Any employee who was engaged after the date of such promulgated increases at a rate of pay not less than the rate of pay prescribed for his/her task grade as at the date of coming into operation of this agreement, shall not be entitled to be paid the additional amount specified in this sub-clause for the employee's task grade.


1.3 Subject to the provisions of sub-clauses 1.1 to 1.3 inclusive, no employer shall pay to the employees engaged on any of the task grades hereinafter specified in the following wage schedules wages and/or earnings lower than those stated against such task grades and no employee shall accept wages and/or earnings lower than those stated against such task grades.


1.4 The payment of wages and/or earnings shall be calculated as set out in Chapter 6, Clause 6.1 in the Conditions of Employment Collective Agreement.



Wage increases in Appendix A will apply only from the date of coming into operation of this agreement.  The rates on the wage rates table within the Appendix indicate the minimum wage rate an employee has to be paid for his/her specific task grade.  All employees must, at the date of coming into operation of this agreement, receive either the new wage rate applicable to his/her task grade or the following across the board increase on his/her current wage rate, whichever is the greater—

1.5.1 Across the board wage increase (ATB):—
(i)In Year 1, from the date as determined by the Minister, up to 31 August 2022, employees who earn above the published rate will receive an ATB of 4.8% on their current rate.
(ii)In Year 2, from 01 September 2022 to 31 August 2023, employees who earn above the published rate will receive an ATB of CPI + 0.75% on their current rate.
(iii)In Year 3, from 01 September 2023 to 31 August 2024, employees who earn above the published rate will receive an ATB of CPI + 0.75%.
1.5.2 No employer shall at the date of coming into operation of this agreement reduce the rate of pay of any employee who earns more than the minimum prescribed for his/her class of work;
1.5.3No employer shall at the date of coming into operation of this agreement pay any employee engaged on any of the classes of work specified in this agreement wages and/or earnings lower than those specified for his/her class of work.