Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


Motor Industry Bargaining Council  (MIBCO)

Extension to Non-Parties of the Main Collective Agreement

Division A

Clause 3: Particulars of Employment and Remuneration

3.11 Piece Work

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(1)Piece-work may not be given out or performed unless with the consent of the Regional Council concerned.


(2)Whenever piece-work is performed, an employee so employed shall be paid the full amount earned by him under the piece-work rates agreed to between himself and his employer: Provided, however, that no employee shall be paid less than the prescribed amount which he would have earned if he had been employed on a time-work basis for the period taken to perform the work concerned.


(3)Apprentices shall not on any account be employed on piece-work.