Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


Motor Industry Bargaining Council  (MIBCO)

Extension to Non-Parties of the Main Collective Agreement

Division A

Clause 3: Particulars of Employment and Remuneration

3.13. Stand-by and Call-out Allowances

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(1)The payment of standby and call-out allowances shall be applicable only to Division B employees and artisans employed in establishments registered under Chapters I or IV of Division C of this Agreement.


(2)Standby allowance:
(a)Any employer may require an artisan or Division B employee to 'standby' on any Saturday and/or Sunday: Provided that such employee shall be entitled to notice, in writing, of not less than one week to that effect.
(b)Whenever an employee is required to 'stand by' in terms of this sub-clause he shall be paid, irrespective of whether he is required to work while on 'standby', a 'standby' allowance of not less than R89.62 in respect of each day on which he is required to so 'standby'.

Provided that whenever he is required to work whilst on 'standby', the 'standby' allowance shall not be set off against the remuneration payable in terms of this Agreement for such work.

(c)An employee who is required to 'standby' shall present himself for duty within one hour of being called and, where he fails to present himself, the 'standby' allowance shall be forfeited.
(d)The provisions of this clause shall not apply to employees who before the close of business on Friday enter into an Agreement with their employers to supervise shift changes of and/or collect cash from forecourt attendants on the succeeding Saturday or Sunday.


(3)Call-out allowance:
(a)An employer may call out a artisan or Division B employee to work prior to his normal starting or after his normal finishing time on any day of the week: Provided that a call-out allowance of R96.02 shall be paid in each case where such employee is so called out: Provided further that a call-out allowance shall not be paid to an employee in respect of the first call-out whilst such employee is paid a standby allowance for that day.
(b)An employee who is so called shall present himself for duty within one hour of being called and where he fails to present himself, the call-out allowance shall be forfeited.
(c)Whenever an employee is called out, the call-out allowance shall not be set off against remuneration payable in terms of this Agreement for such work.