Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


Bargaining Council for the Hairdressing Trade (Cape Penninsula)

Main Collective Agreement

29. Membership

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1.No employer who is a member of the employers" organisation must continue to employ an employee who, while being eligible for membership of the trade union, is not a member of the trade union as at the date of coming into operation of this Agreement or who does not become a member of the trade union within a period of 90 days from such date or from the date of entering into employment where the entering into employment takes place after the date of coming into operation of this Agreement, and no member of the trade union may continue his employment with an employer who is not a member of the employers" organisation as at the date of coming into operation of this Agreement or who does not within a period of 90 days after such date or after the date of employment of the employee concerned, where the employment takes place after the date of coming into operation of this Agreement, become a member of the employers" organisation.


2.No membership subscription or levy deducted, may be:—
(a)paid to a political party as an affiliation fee;
(b)contributed in cash or kind to apolitical party or a person standing for election to any political office; or
(c)used for an expenditure that does not advance or protect the socio- economic interests of employees.


3.The provisions of this clause do not apply:—
(a)in respect of an immigrant during the first year after the date of his entry into the Republic of South Africa: If any immigrant has at any time after the first 90 days of commencement of his employment, in the Trade refused any invitation from the trade union to become a member the provisions of this clause must immediately come into operation;
(b)to persons who are not eligible for membership in terms of the trade union"s constitution or who have been refused membership of, or expelled from the trade union.


4.Every learner, including a funded learner employed in the Hairdressing Trade, musts join the trade union within a period of 30 days from the date of entering into employment.