Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


Bargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing Industry

Western Cape

Extension to non-parties of the Main Collective Agreement

Part l

A - Administrative issues

Clause 3 - Definitions

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Any expressions used in this Agreement which are defined in the Labour Relations Act, 1995, shall have the same meaning as in that Act, any references to an Act shall include any amendments to such Act and, unless the contrary intention appears, words importing the masculine gender shall also include the feminine and vice versa.


Unless inconsistent with the context, the following definitions shall apply to all Parts of this Agreement, and—



means the Labour Relations Act, No. 66 of 1995, as amended;




(a) any payment in addition to the prescribed or agreed wage of an Employee arising from employment under a bonus incentive scheme which is stipulated as such in the wage register;
(b) any other special or occasional payment by an Employer to an Employee in excess of the prescribed or agreed wage stipulated by him as such in the wage register and which the Employer can withdraw at will;


"Casual Employee"

means an Employee who is employed by the same Employer for not more than 24 hours in any one month;



means the Bargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing Industry of the Western Cape, registered in terms of section 29 of the Labour Relations Act, 1995;



for the purpose of this agreement a person who works for, or renders services to any other person, is presumed, regardless of the form of the contract, to be an employee, if any one or more of the following factors are present:

(a) the manner in which the person works is subject to the control or direction of another person;
(b) the person's hours of work are subject to the control or direction of another person;
(c) In the case of a person who works for an organisation, the person forms part of that organisation;
(d) the person has worked for that other person for an average of at least 40 hours per month over the last three months;
(e) the person is economically dependent on the other person for whom he or she works or renders services;
(f) the person is provided with tools of trade or work equipment by the other person; or
(g) the person only works for or renders services to one person.

If one or more of these factors are present, the person is presumed to be an Employee until the contrary is proved.



means a person who employs Employees in the Furniture, Bedding, Upholstery and Curtain Manufacturing Industry, including a Labour Broker who supplies Employees to the Furniture, Bedding, Upholstery and Curtain Manufacturing Industry;



means the total length of all periods of an Employee's service in the Furniture, Bedding, Upholstery and Curtain Manufacturing Industry, but excluding a period of broken service in excess of 12 consecutive months;



means any place in which the Furniture, Bedding, Upholstery and Curtain Manufacturing is carried on;


"Furniture, Bedding, Upholstery and Curtain Manufacturing Industry" or "Industry"

means, without in any way limiting the ordinary meaning of the expression, the industry in which employers and their employees are associated for the manufacture, either in whole or in part, of all types of components of furniture, furniture, bedding, curtains, upholstery and/or re-upholstery and will, inter alia, include but not be limited to the following:

(a) Furniture

Manufacturing, assembling, repairing, staining, spraying, polishing, re-polishing, making loose covers and/or cushions, wood machining, veneering, woodturning, carving, assembling, painting, spraying, cutting, edging, drilling, wood bending, laminating and/or papering/foiling, of board.

"Board" means any type of wood or wooden or related product or any other substitute material amongst others being: laminated board, fibre board, chip board, block board, veneer board, pressed board.

Furniture manufacturing will also include the manufacturing, repairing, polishing, assembling, cutting, drilling, edging, re-polishing, staining, spraying either in whole or in part of: pianos, organs, kitchen cupboards, attached wall cupboards, built-in cupboards, free standing cupboards, bars or built-in bar counters, cane, wicker or grass furniture, cabinets including cabinets for musical instruments and radios, wireless or television cabinets, coffins, draw and draw fronts, doors and cupboard doors irrespective of size, bathroom cupboards, cupboard tops and furniture for tea-rooms, restaurants, offices, churches, schools, libraries, hotels, other educational institutions, conference centres and theatres.

(b) Bedding

The manufacturing, assembling, repairing, covering, re-covering of mattress bases, mattresses, spring mattresses, overlays, bolsters, pillows, cushions for studio couches, spring units, box-spring mattresses, sleeper couches and studio couches.

"Studio Couch" means an article of furniture, which is designed for seating and for conversion into a double bed or two or more beds and of which the frames are constructed mainly of metal and the seating and/or sleeping surfaces consist of mattresses and/or cushions.

(c) Upholstery

The upholstering or re-upholstering of any furniture, or item of furniture, bedding, seating, pelmets, mattress bases, foam mattresses and/or cushions.

(d) Curtain making

The making, altering, repairing and hanging of curtains and/or blinds made mainly of fabric, wood, cane, wicker, reed or grass.

Curtain making includes window treatment, cutting of rails and rods, fitting of pelmets, curtains, blinds and associated products.


"Hourly rate"

means the rate determined in accordance with the provisions of clause 23 of this Agreement;

[Definition substituted by section 3 of Notice No. 894, GG43628, dated 20 August 2020]


"Labour Broker"

means any person who, for reward, procures for or provides to a client other persons—

(a) who render services to, or perform work for, the client; and
(b) who are remunerated by the Labour Broker.



means an Employee serving under a written contract of learnership registered or deemed to be registered under the provisions of the Skills Development Act 97, of 1998;


"New Industry Entrant Employee"

means an employee who has never previously worked in the furniture manufacturing industry;


"Night work"

means work performed after 18H00 and before 06H00 the next day;


"Normal retirement age"

means the age of 60 years;


"Normal time"

means the standard minimum hours that an Employee is required to work on which the Employee's basic weekly wage rate is paid;


"Ordinary hours"

means the hours between the specified starting and finishing time of work for each day of the week excluding the meal interval;



means any system according to which payment is based on quantity or output of work done;



means that a position becomes permanently superfluous as a result of re-organisation or technological change, and that, consequently, there is no foreseeable possibility of Employees who lose their employment through redundancy being re-employed in their previous positions;



means the Registrar of Labour Relations appointed in terms of section 108 of the Labour Relations Act, No. 66 of 1995;



means any payment in money made or owing to any person which arises in any matter whatsoever out of employment;



means the loss of employment as a result of a downturn in the economic affairs of an establishment or as an operational requirement;


"Shop steward"

means a member of a Trade Union who is elected to represent the Employees in a workplace;


"Senior Shop Steward"

means that shop steward, elected by the Union members from the three or more shop stewards in a plant or establishment, which qualifies for more than two shop stewards, in terms of clause 30 of the Main Collective Agreement and shall be recognised as exercising authority over other shop stewards in such plant or establishment;


"Short time"

means a reduction in the number of ordinary working hours in an establishment owing to slackness of trade, shortage of raw materials or a general breakdown of plant or machinery caused by accident or other unforeseen emergency;


"Temporary employment services"

means any person who, for reward, procures for or provides to a client other persons—

(a) who render services to, or perform work for, the client; and
(b) who are remunerated by the temporary employment service.



means that portion of the remuneration payable in money to an Employee in respect of his ordinary hours of work;