Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


Bargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing Industry

Chapter 2

2. Objectives of the Council Benefit Funds/Schemes

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2.1The  objective  of  the Furniture  Bargaining  Council  Provident  Fund  (the  Provident Fund), is to provide for retirement benefits to participating members of the furniture, bedding and upholstery industry;


2.2The objective of the Furniture Bargaining Council Death and Disability  Scheme (standard D.D.S.), is to provide for death, disability and funeral benefits to participating members of the furniture, bedding and upholstery industry, as well as for funeral benefits to the dependants of the main participating members;


2.3The  objective  of the Furniture  Bargaining  Council  Sick Benefit Society (hereinafter split into two subdivided Funds to wit, Furnmed Sick Benefit Society and NUFAWSA Sick Benefit Society), is to provide for prescribed medical benefits to participating members of the furniture, bedding and upholstery industry, as well as for their registered dependants;


2.4The objective of the Home Ownership Scheme (H.O.S.), is to provide for home loan facilities for qualifying members of the furniture, bedding and upholstery industry, to purchase, improve, renovate, repair and/or maintain existing or new housing;


2.5The objective of the Emergency, Trauma, Disaster and Education Fund (E.T.D.E. Fund), is to provide for loan facilities for qualifying members of the furniture, bedding and upholstery industry, to assist members with loans for emergencies, trauma, disasters and/or education.


2.6Any benefit payable upon the death of a member, shall be subject to the provisions of section 37C of the Pension Funds Act, 1956 (Act 24 of 1956),


2.7It is the objective of the parties to this agreement to apply to the Minister of Labour to extend the Council benefit funds/schemes to non-parties in terms of the LRA. This will be done in order to make available the same Industry benefits to non-parties.