Legal Aid South Africa Act, 2014 (Act No. 39 of 2014)


10. Civil cases for protection of constitutional rights

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(1)Subject to the provisions of these regulations and availability of resources, legal aid may be provided to progressively implement section 7 of the Constitution.


(2)In deciding whether a person may receive legal aid for a civil case as contemplated in subregulation (1), Legal Aid South Africa must consider the following criteria:
(a)The seriousness of the implications for the legal aid applicant;
(b)the complexity of the relevant law and procedure;
(c)the ability of the legal aid applicant to represent himself or herself effectively without a lawyer;
(d)the financial means of the legal aid applicant;
(e)the legal aid applicant’s chances of success in the case;
(f)whether the legal aid applicant has a substantial disadvantage compared to the other party in the case; and
(g)whether the other requirements of these regulations are met.