Legal Metrology Act, 2014 (Act No. 9 of 2014)


Legal Metrology Regulations, 2017

Part XI : Measuring instruments and containers used for prescribed purposes

105. Vehicle tanks provided with gauges

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(1) Except as otherwise provided in this regulation, a tank must also conform to the provisions of regulation 104(1)(a), (c), (d), (f) and (4).


(a) A tank must be of such shape as will make correct measurement possible at any graduation on a gauge.
(b) When of elliptical design, a tank must have a horizontal major axis of a length not exceeding one and one-half times the length of the minor axis.


(3) A separate gauge must be provided for each compartment and, when the gauge is in the tank or compartment, it must be centrally situated with respect to the longitudinal and diametrical axes in a cylindrical tank and the longitudinal and major axes in an elliptical tank.


(4) A gauge must be identified with the tank or compartment to which it belongs by means of a number clearly and indelibly marked on the gauge and corresponding to a number similarly marked on the tank or compartment.


(a) A gauge must be so constructed as to retain, as required, the height of liquid when the gauge is removed from the tank or compartment.
(b) A gauge must comprise a tube of glass or other transparent material, protected by a metal casing and provided with a graduated scale indicating the volume of liquid contained in the corresponding tank or compartment to various levels.
(c) Graduation lines on a gauge must be clear and distinct.
(d) The distance between graduation lines of a gauge, measured from centre to centre, must be not less than 2 mm.
(e) The width of any graduation line of a gauge must be not less than 0,2 mm or more than one-quarter of the distance between the lines measured from centre to centre, provided that the width of any such line must be not more than 1mm .
(f) Figured graduations of a gauge must be distinguished by their lines being longer than the nearest four intermediate lines on either side.


(a) The user of the gauge must provide the manager in charge of the legal metrology regional office concerned with an accurate full scale diagram, on suitable drawing paper, of the quantity marks on each gauge.
(b) Each diagram referred to in paragraph (a) must be cross referenced (numbered) to identify it with the gauge and the tank.
(c) Each diagram referred to in paragraph (a) must be retained by the legal metrology regional office concerned and must be used for the purpose of verifying any gauge which may have been repaired or replaced, subsequent to its verification.


(a) All tests for accuracy of a vehicle tank or compartment must be made with the tank in a level position and with all emergency valves open.
(b) The whole of the inside of a tank or compartment must be thoroughly wetted and then drained before any test for accuracy and before initial verification.
(c) A vehicle tank or compartment must be tested for accuracy, by means of water, against a measurement standard measure that complies with the requirements in Part III of these Regulations, or by other means approved by the National Regulator.
(d) Each figured graduation of each gauge and as many intermediate graduations as the market surveillance inspector or verification officer considers necessary must be tested and the volume indicated at each graduation must not differ from the contained volume by more than the allowance of error:

Provided that any error in the indication of the volume of the successive quantities added or withdrawn must not exceed the allowance of error in respect of such added or withdrawn quantity.


(8) Errors must be allowed on the gauge of a tank or compartment, in excess or in deficiency, in accordance with Table 17:





Quantity tested or value of graduation

Error allowed

In excess

In deficiency

Up to 10 L

0,1 L

0,05 L

over 10 L up to  100 L



over 100 L up to 200 L



over 200 L up to 300 L

1,5 L

0,75 L

over 300 L up to 1 600 L



over 1 600 L up to 2 000 L

8 L

4 L

over 2 000 L

8 L and in addition 2 L for every 1 000 L in excess of 2 000 L

4 L and in addition 1 L for every 1 000 L in excess of 2 000 L


(a) The verification mark must be applied in a position as described in the type approval documentation, if not described, it shall be applied on a soft solder plug or stud in a conspicuous, essential and accessible part of the instrument.
(b) Protective marks must be applied to the measuring instrument to prevent unauthorised access to any adjusting device, working parts or in a position as described in the type approval documentation.