Legal Metrology Act, 2014 (Act No. 9 of 2014)


Legal Metrology Regulations, 2017

Part XI : Measuring instruments and containers used for prescribed purposes

109. Milk meter systems

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(1) Except as otherwise provided for in this regulation, the meter in a milk meter system must conform in particular to any applicable provision of regulation 108.


(a) The meter in a milk meter system must be so constructed that the end cover of its measuring chamber may be easily detached to facilitate cleaning of the chamber and its associated parts.
(b) Any removable part of the measuring chamber referred to in paragraph (a), such as an oscillating piston or gears, must be clearly and indelibly marked with at least the last three figures of the serial number of the milk meter, which whole number must also be similarly marked on the milk meter, or such part must be identified with the milk meter to which it belongs in such a manner as may be specified when the model is approved in terms of section 22 of the Act.


(3) In a receiving milk meter system—
(a) before the start of any normal measuring operation, the meter, piping and air eliminator must be primed, unless otherwise provided by the National Regulator;
(b) where the National Regulator has provided that the meter piping and air eliminator may be completely empty before the first intake in a series of measurements, the market surveillance inspector or verification officer must, when the meter is first verified, determine by means of tests, the difference between the indication of the quantity of the first intake and the average indication of the quantity of the next three consecutive intakes of like quantities and a notice stating this difference must be permanently and conspicuously affixed on or close to the meter in the following manner:


(c) at the end of any normal measuring operation, the intake hose and any piping upstream of the air eliminator must be automatically emptied of milk;
(d) where the receiving tank is at a lower level than that of the meter outlet, a device must be provided for automatically maintaining the meter full of milk at the end of a delivery; and
(e) where milk is received by a collecting tanker, the length of the intake hose must be not more than 6 m and the hose must have such a bore and be so arranged that it will be emptied of all milk by the suction of the pump.


(4) The provisions of subregulation (3) do not apply to delivery systems.


(a) Provision must be made in a receiving system for the disconnection or isolation of the outlet piping and the connection of a delivery hose or other suitable pipe at a suitable point for the purpose of testing the milk meter.
(b) The user of any milk meter system must have in his possession—
(i) a test measure that complies with the relevant requirements in SANS 1698 of suitable design and having a capacity sufficient for measuring the volume of liquid which will pass through the meter at its maximum rate of flow during a period of at least one minute: Provided that the measure must be so designed as to minimise frothing of milk delivered into it;
(ii) all such ancillary equipment, including valves, couplings and other items, as may be required for testing the meter and including, in the case of a receiving system, a non-expansible delivery hose or other suitable delivery pipe, fitted with a control valve near to its outlet and an air vent valve downstream of the control valve where such control valve is fitted to the filler pipe of a test measure.


(a) Milk, provided by the user of the meter, must be used for testing a milk meter system and the through-put during each test must be not less than the quantity measured by the meter in the course of one minute at the maximum rate of flow of the meter.
(b) A receiving system must be prepared for the tests for accuracy of the milk meter by having the outlet piping disconnected or otherwise isolated and by having the delivery hose or pipe referred to in subregulation (5)(a)suitably connected.
(i) The meter in any milk meter system must be tested for accuracy in accordance with regulation 108(6)(b), (d), (e), (f) and (g): Provided that, where the pump in a receiving system is of a positive displacement type and is arranged for a single fixed rate of flow only, the meter may be tested at such rate of flow only.
(ii) The proviso to subparagraph (i) must not apply where the National Regulator has permitted the verification of the meter in a milk meter system other than in situ and the normal pump referred to in that proviso is not used.
(iii) At the end of each delivery to the test measure during tests prescribed in subparagraph (i), the air vent valve on the filler pipe downstream of the control valve must be opened to the atmosphere where a measure having the control valve fitted to its filler pipe is used.
(d) When a milk meter is tested in accordance with this subregulation, any error must not exceed 0,25% in excess or in deficiency of the volume measured.


(7) When the meter in a receiving system has been found to measure correctly when tested in accordance with subregulation (6), the milk meter system must be tested for accuracy and constancy when measuring predetermined quantities of milk by the following method:
(a) After the test measure has been drained, a quantity of milk, equivalent to approximately half the capacity of the test measure must be measured through the meter into the test measure and the meter reading must be noted.
(b) The meter must then be operated, with its outlet disconnected from the test measure, until the supply of milk is depleted and the meter stops registering.
(c) The milk in the test measure must then be drained into the empty supply vessel and again measured through the meter into the test measure until the meter stops registering, and the meter reading must be noted.
(d) The operation described in paragraph (c) must be repeated as many times as the market surveillance inspector or verification officer considers necessary.
(e) At the end of a test according to paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d), any difference between the various meter readings must not exceed 1,5 L.
(f) Where circumstances preclude testing by the method specified in paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d), the system may be tested by any method approved by the National Regulator which will have the same effect.


(a) The verification mark must be applied in a position as described in the type approval documentation, if not described it shall be applied in a conspicuous, essential and accessible part of the milk meter housing.
(b) Protective marks (seals) must be applied to the measuring instrument to prevent unauthorised access to any adjusting device or to any working parts, or in a position as described in the type approval documentation.