Liquor Products Act, 1989 (Act No. 60 of 1989)


Scheme for the integrated production of wine


Annexure 2 : Guideline with regard to the application of integrated production in cellars which are utilised for the production of IP wine

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1.1A cellar which is utilised for the production of wine which is intended for sale as IP wine shall be managed in such a manner that actions such as the incorrect application of equipment, apparatus and chemicals, the lavish use of water and electricity and the discharge of untreated cellar waste in nature is avoided.


1.2The immediate proximity of the cellar shall be maintained aesthetically acceptable by keeping it free of discarded or used material or equipment, as well as of junk and waste which could be a breeding place for insect pests.


1.3The interior of the cellar shall be arranged in such a manner that it complies with the requirements of the legislation with regard to occupational health and safety.


1.4The noise levels within the cellar shall be within the limits required by the legislation with regard to occupational health and safety.


1.5The staff who are working in the cellar shall wear the necessary protective overwear which is required by the legislation with regard to occupational health and safety.


2.Conveyance of grapes


2.1Grapes as well as transported juice being intended for the production of IP wine shall as soon as possible after harvesting be brought to the cellar.


2.2During conveyance to the cellar such grapes or juice may not come into contact with substances which are deemed unsafe for human consumption or may detrimentally affect the quality of the wine which is produced therefrom.


3.Crushing and processing of grapes


3.1Grapes as well as transported juice shall be processed as soon as possible after having been delivered at the cellar.


3.2The bringing in of rotten grapes into the cellar must be limited as far as possible: Provided that this provision shall not apply to grapes with Botrytis infection.


3.3Off-loading bins and crushing apparatus in the cellar shall be covered with inert material or be made from stainless steel in order to prevent contamination.


3.4Grapes which are intended for the production of white wine shall as soon as possible after crushing be cooled down before being settled.


4.Addition of substances to wine


4.1The addition of substances to must and wine in the cellar shall be restricted to the indispensable.


4.2Only those substances specified in the Act as permissible additions to wine, may be thus added to must and wine in the cellar.


4.3Such additions in the cellar may only be made in accordance with the provisions of the Act.


4.4Fermentation in must and wine in the cellar may only be effected with the aid of selected natural yeasts.


4.5Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 the Authority may, when determining requirements and conditions for the registration of a cellar in terms of this Scheme, prohibit or restrict the use of a particular substance or substances which are not reconcilable with integrated production, in cellars which are utilised for the production of IP wine.


5.Use of preservatives


5.1The application of sulphur dioxide as a preservative for wine shall as far as possible be restricted, and preference shall be given to substitutes such as ascorbic acid.


5.2Notwithstanding the provisions of the Act, the total sulphur dioxide content of wine of a class specified in column 1 of the table hereunder, which is intended for sale as IP wine, shall at the time when it is ready for marketing, not exceed the maximum limit specified in column 2 of the table opposite thereto:


Class of wine

Maximum sulphur dioxide content



Extra dry wine, dry wine, rosé wine and blanc de noir wine

120 mg per litre, but preferably less than 100 mg per litre

Semi-dry wine, semi-sweet wine, late harvest wine, special late harvest wine, sweet natural wine, and perlé wine

140 mg per litre, but preferably less than 100 mg per litre

Sparkling wine (all types)

80 mg per litre, but preferably less than 60 mg per litre

Dessert wine and liqueur wine (all types)

80 mg per litre, but preferably less than 60 mg per litre

Noble late harvest wine

240 mg per litre, but preferably less than 200 mg per litre


6.Settling agents, filtering material and clarifying agents


6.1Only natural settling agents, filtering material and clarifying agents which are environmentally friendly may be used in the cellar in connection with the production of IP wine.


6.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 8.1, the Authority may, when determining requirements and conditions for the registration of a cellar in terms of this Scheme, prohibit or restrict the use of a particular settling agent, filtering material or clarifying agent or other agents which are not reconcilable with the principle of integrated production, in cellars which are utilised for the production of IP wine.




7.1The refrigeration equipment which is used in the cellar shall be of such design that it will ensure optimal cooling with the minimum use of power.


8.Cleansing agents


8.1Only environmentally friendly agents may be used for cleansing processes in the cellar.


8.2Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 8.1, the Authority may, when determining requirements and conditions for the registration of a cellar in terms of this Scheme, prohibit or restrict the use of a particular cleansing agent or agents which are not reconcilable with integrated production, in cellars which are utilised for the production of IP wine.


9.Water management


9.1The water which is used in the cellar for purposes of cooling and the cleansing of tanks and other apparatus and equipment shall as far as possible be purified and recycled.


9.2Such water may only be treated with environmentally friendly chemicals, and only be discharged in nature after having been treated to such extent that it complies with the applicable standards required by the legislation with regard to the discharge of effluent water.


10.Disposal of cellar waste


10.1Cellar waste such as wine-lees, filtering material and fining Iees may not be discharged in nature in unprocessed form.


11.Bottling and packing


11.1If cork stoppers are utilised in the cellar as bottle closures, it may only be treated beforehand with environmentally friendly substances.


11.2Capsules which are used in the cellar shall be manufactured from a high quality degradable material.


11.3The outer containers and other material used in the cellar for the packing of receptacles of wine shall as far as possible be manufactured from recycled material and in itself also be recyclable and biodegradable.