Liquor Products Act, 1989 (Act No. 60 of 1989)


Wine of Origin Scheme

6B. Registration of units for the production of estate wine

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(a)The Authority may register pieces of land or portions of pieces of land under particular names as units for the production of estate wine, and also amend or withdraw such registrations.
(b)The Authority may in its discretion impose conditions which shall apply to such registration, amendment or withdrawal.



(a)Any person desiring a registration, amendment or withdrawal in terms of subsection (1) shall apply therefor to the Authority in writing.
(b)Such application shall be accompanied by—
(i)the documents required by the Authority; and
(ii)the applicable fee determined by the Authority for this purpose.
(c)Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in this section the Authority may also of its own accord amend or withdraw the registration of a unit for the production of estate wine if in its opinion sound reasons exist therefor.
(d)An application for registration referred to in subsection (1) may only be approved by the Authority if all the pieces of land or portions of pieces of land to which that application relate—
(i)apart from roads, railways, rivers and similar divisions approved by the Authority, adjoin one another; and
(ii)is farmed as a single unit.



(a)An application for the amendment of the registration of a unit for the production of estate wine in order to increase the area thereof shall be approved by the Authority only if the piece of land constituting such increase—
(ii)apart from roads, railways, rivers and similar, divisions approved by the Authority, adjoin the estate concerned; and
(ii)is to be farmed as a single unit along with the other land that already constitutes that unit.
(b)Leased land shall be included in the area of a unit which is registered for production of estate wine only if the person in charge of the unit concerned had or will have control over the grapes concerned for at least one production cycle, from bud to harvest, before they are utilised for the production of estate wine.

[Clause 6B(3)(b) substituted by regulation 2(a) of Notice No. R. 403 of 2014]


(4)The person in charge of a unit that is registered for the production of estate wine shall, when requested thereto by the Authority, produce sufficient proof that—
(a)the land comprising the unit concerned or of which it will consist, is or will be farmed as a single unit; and
(b)in case of leased land, he or she has had control of the grapes concerned for one production cycle, from bud to harvest, before they were utilised for the production of estate wine.

[Clause 6B(4)(b) substituted by regulation 2(b) of Notice No. R. 403 of 2014]



(a)If any change with regard to the particulars by virtue of which a unit for the production of estate wine has occurred or is envisaged, the applicant concerned or his successor in title shall forthwith notify the Authority thereof in writing.
(b)The Authority may direct that such notice be dealt with as an application in terms of subsection (2) for the amendment of the registration of the unit concerned.


(6)Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (2)(d), the non-adjoining land of the units registered for the production of estate wine under the names Bergsig, De Wetshof, Goedverwacht, Mont Blois, Neethlingshof, Rietvallei and Delheim (previously known as Vera Cruz), as registered on 1 January 2006, shall be deemed to be adjoining land for the purposes or this section: Provided that an application in terms of subsection (3) in respect of such non-adjoining land shall not be allowed by the Authority.

[Section 6B(6) substituted by section 2 of Wine of Origin Scheme: Amendment under Notice No. R. 2247, GG46681, dated 8 July 2022]


[Clause 6B inserted by regulation 5 of Notice No. R. 1819 of 2003]