Local Government: Municipal Electoral Act, 2000 (Act No. 27 of 2000)


Municipal Electoral Regulations, 2000

Schedule B

Code of Conduct for Accredited Observers

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1.Every accredited observer and person appointed by the observer must—
1.1Observe the election impartially and independently of any registered party or candidate contesting the election.
1.2Remain non-partisan and neutral.
1.3Be competent and professional in observing the election.
1.4Provide the Commission with a comprehensive review of the elections taking into account all relevant circumstances including—
(a)the degree of impartiality shown by the Commission;
(b)the degree of freedom of political parties to organise, move, assemble and express their views publicly;
(c)the opportunity for political parties to have their agents observe all aspects of the electoral process;
(d)the fairness of access for political parties to national media and other resources of the state;
(e)the proper conduct of polling and counting of votes; and
(f)any other issue that concerns the essential freedom and fairness of the election.
1.5Comply with all instructions given and every obligation imposed by—
(a)the Commission;
(b)any electoral officer; or
(c)any employee or officer of the Commission; or
(d)a member of the security services acting on the instructions of an officer.


2.The accredited observer and any person appointed by that observer should—
2.1Avoid doing anything that would indicate or be seen as indicating partisan support for a candidate or registered party.
2.2Act in a strictly neutral and unbiased manner.
2.3Disclose to the Commission any relationship that could lead to conflict of interest regarding the performance of their duties as observers or with the process of observation or assessment of the election.
2.4Not accept any gifts or favour from a political party, organisation or person involved in the election process.
2.5Not participate in any function or activity that could lead to a perception of sympathy for a particular candidate or political party.
2.6Not express a view or opinion on any matter, which is the subject of electoral campaigning.
2.7Not influence or attempt to influence the choice of a voter regarding any registered party or candidate in an election.
2.8Not wear, carry, or display any registered party's symbols or colours.