Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act No. 18 of 1998)


Regulations in terms of the Marine Living Resources Act, 1998


Annexure 10 : Size and Mass Limits

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(Regulation 25)




Bellman (Umbrina spp.): 40 cm
Big eye tuna (Tunnus obesus): 3.2 g
Bluefin tuna (Thunnus thunnus): 6.4kg
Bronze bream (Pachymetopon grande): 30 cm
Cape stumpnose (Rhabdosargus holubi): 20cm
Dageraad (Chrysoblephus cristiceps): 30 cm
Dassie (blacktail, kolstert) (Diplodus sargus capensis): 20 cm
Elf (shad) (Pomatomus saltatrix): 30 cm
Galjoen (Dichistius capensis): 35 cm
Garrick (leervis) (Lichia amia): 70 cm
Glassy (Ambassis spp): 2,5 cm
Geelbek (Atractosdon aequidens): 60 cm
Grunter, spotted (Pomadasys commersonnii): 40 cm
Hottentot (Pachymetopon blochii) 22 cm
Kob (cob, kabeljou) (Argyrosomus spp. excluding A. thorpei): 40 cm
Musselcracker (brusher, cracker) (Sparodon durbanensis): 60 cm
Natal stumpnose (Rhabdosargus sarba): 25 cm
Pinky (Pomadasys olivaceum): 7,5 cm
Poenskop (black steenbras/musselcracker) (Cymatoceps nasutus): 50 cm
Red (copper) steenbras (Petrus rupestris): 40 cm
Red stumpnose (Chrysoblephus gibbiceps): 30 cm
River bream (Acanthopagrus berda): 25 cm
River snapper (Lutjanus argentimaculatus): 40 cm
Roman (Chrysoblephus laticeps): 30 cm
Santer (soldier) (Cheimerius nufar): 30 cm
Scotsman (Polysteganus praeorbitalis): 30 cm
Seventy-four (Polysteganus undulosus): 40 cm
Silverfish (carpenter) (Argyrozona argyrozona): 25 cm
Slinger (Chrysoblephus puniceus): 25 cm
Snoek (Thyrsites atun): 60 cm
Spotted rock cod (Catface) (Epin ephelus and erson i) : 40 cm
Squaretail kob (Argyrosomus thorpei): 35 cm
Strepie (karanteen) (Sarpa salpa): 15 cm
Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) with a whole mass less than 25.0 kg
White-edged rock cod (Epinephelus albomarginatus): 40 cm
White steenbras (Lithognathus lithognathus): 60 cm
West coast steenbras (Lithognathus aureb): 40 cm
White stumpnose (Rhabdosargus globiceps): 25 cm
Yellow-belly rock cod (Epinephelus marginatus): 40 cm
Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) 3.2kg
Zebra (Diplodus cervinus hottentotus): 30 cm