Meat Safety Act, 2000 (Act No. 40 of 2000)


Establishment of the Meat Inspection Scheme

7. Assignment of Meat Inspection Service Providers

7.12 Assignment process

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(a) An assignee intending to provide a meat inspection service at an abattoir must apply to the PEO in a Province in which they wish to operate.


(b) The PEO will assess the application and if found to be compliant, will recommend the application to the NEO for further processing.


(c) The NEO will assess the documents submitted by the PEO and make a recommendation to the Minister for approval.


(d) If the Minister is satisfied that the application meets the requirements to be assigned for meat inspection service, she/he will approve the application.


(e) Feedback on the approval/disapproval of the application will be sent to the assignee via the PEO.


(f)The assignee will be listed by the NEO in the list of approved assignees.


All meat inspection personnel must register with the PEOs in which they operate. Meat inspection personnel are to be procured by abattoirs from assigned meat inspection service providers only.


The PEO may allow an owner of a rural or infrequently slaughtering low throughput abattoir to procure a meat inspection service from a registered and authorised meat inspection person who has not been assigned by the Minister. Any such inspection service must be conducted under the monitoring of the NEO or an assignee as the case may be.