Meat Safety Act, 2000 (Act No. 40 of 2000)

Poultry Regulations, 2006

Part VI : Meat Inspections

B. Meat Inspection

76. General

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1)The provincial executive officer may determine the number of registered inspectors required at an abattoir after having considered the abattoir design, number of inspection stations, line speed, structural and managerial aspects and at high throughput abattoirs the services of a registered inspector who is a veterinarian must be available.


2)All relevant information, including ante-mortem and health records must be taken into consideration when doing meat inspection.


3)No carcass, rough or red offal may be cut, sold or dispatched from an abattoir unless inspected and approved by a registered inspector.


4)No person may remove, cut or further process a carcass or meat until it has been inspected and approved by a registered inspector.


5)No person may remove any sign or evidence of any disease, abnormal condition or contamination in a carcass or its viscera before meat inspection has been done.


6)Evisceration must be such as to expose the organs and the body cavity for proper examination by the registered inspector.


7)No viscera or any part thereof may be removed from any dressed poultry, prior to inspection.


8)The registered inspector must inspect the carcass and viscera by viewing, palpation and, if necessary, incision.


9)Organs must be correlated with the carcass of origin until the final inspection is completed.