[See also regulations 72; 73; 74; 75]
1) | For humane restraining of all species immediately prior to stunning there must be provided - |
a) | a stunning box, approved by the national executive officer, to restrain cattle and horses; |
b) | a restraining pen of 2m x 2m or, preferably, a crowding pen provided with a hinged gate to facilitate floor space reduction for sheep, goats and pigs; |
c) | a restraining pen or stunning box must be provided for large, difficult boars and sows; and |
d) | any other means of restraining approved by the provincial executive officer. |
2) | For stunning of animals there must be provided - |
a) | a silenced captive bolt stunner; |
b) | an electrical stunning apparatus; or |
c) | any other stunning apparatus approved by the national executive officer. |
3) | The operational parameters for stunning must be displayed on the stunning apparatus or in the stunning area. |
4) | Equipment must be provided to shackle and hoist stunned animals into position, for bleeding. |
5) | Facilities for collecting and storing of blood in closed containers prior to removal and disposal must be provided. |
6) | The minimum clearance for rails and equipment in bleeding areas - |
a) | for cattle bleeding, from rail to floor in the case of a crawl beam is 4.8m and a fixed rail is 4.4m; and |
b) | for sheep bleeding, from rail to floor is 2.3m. |