Medicines and Related Substances Control Act, 1965 (Act No. 101 of 1965)

18. Labels and advertisements

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(1)No person shall sell any—
(a)medicine or Scheduled substance unless the immediate container or the package in which that  medicine or Scheduled substance is sold bears a label stating the prescribed particulars; and
(b)medical device or IVD unless the medical device or IVD, or its packaging, bears a label, where practical, stating the prescribed particulars.

[Section 17(1) substituted by section 10 of Notice No. 19, GG 39585, dated 8 January 2016]


(2)No person shall advertise any medicine or Scheduled substance, medical device or IVD for sale unless such advertisement complies with the prescribed requirements.

[Section 17(2) substituted by section 10 of Notice No. 19, GG 39585, dated 8 January 2016]


(3)The label referred to in subsection (1) shall be approved by the Authority.


(4)The Authority may authorize a deviation from the prescribed format and contents of any label.


(5)The Minister may prescribe additional requirements for the labelling of medicines, medical devices or IVDs.


[Section 18 substituted by section 14 of Notice No. 434, GG 32148, dated 21 April 2009]