Merchant Shipping Act, 1951 (Act No. 57 of 1951)


Merchant Shipping (Safe Manning, Training and Certification) Regulations, 2013

Part 7 : Employment of Seafarers in accordance with Occupational Safety, Security and Medical Requirements

107. Employment of qualified personnel with security training

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(1)The owner and master of a seagoing ship of 500 GT or more or passenger ship on international voyages shall ensure that all personnel employed on board the ship have received security awareness training.

[Regulation 107(1) substituted by regulation 52(a) of Notice No. R. 544, GG 38912, dated 25 June 2015]


(2)The owner or master of a seagoing ship of 500GT or more or a passenger ship on international voyages shall ensure that all personnel with security duties or responsibilities have received training for persons with designated security duties.


(3)The owner or master of a seagoing ship of 500GT or more or a passenger ship on international voyages shall ensure that one of the officers is designated as a ship security officer.


(4)        Fishing vessels are excluded from this Regulation.

[Regulation 104(4) inserted by regulation 51(b) of Notice No. R. 544, GG 38912, dated 25 June 2015]