Military Veterans Act, 2011 (Act No. 18 of 2011)


Military Veterans Benefits Regulations, 2014

2. Requirements to qualify for benefits

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(1)A military veteran qualifies for one or more benefits provided for in the Act and these regulations if he or she—
(a)meets the criteria prescribed in these regulations for the benefit applied for; and
(b)is listed in the national military veterans data base.


(2)Despite subregulation (1), a military veteran who has been convicted of rape, murder, robbery, theft or high treason committed after 27 April 1994 and sentenced to imprisonment for a period exceeding 5 years without the option of a fine is disqualified from receiving any benefits provided for in the Act and these regulations.


(3)Subregulation (2) must not be interpreted as also disqualifying a dependant of a military veteran disqualified in terms of that subregulation from receiving any benefits provided for in the Act and these regulations.