Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996)


Guideline for a Mandatory Code of Practice

Trackless Mobile Machines

Part C: Format and Content of the Code of Practice

8. Aspects to be addressed in the Mandatory COP

8.10 Maintenance and inspection of trackless mobile machines

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In order to ensure that the maintenance and inspection of trackless mobile machines are appropriate for the specific circumstances at the mine, the COP must describe:


8.10.1Scheduling of maintenance, inspections and over inspections.


8.10.2The use of pre-use checklists to identify components critical for the safe operation of the type of trackless mobile machines and keeping of such completed checklists for at least three months.


8.10.3The conditions under which trackless mobile machines may be used, for example "go", "go but" or "no go" options.


8.10.4Changing wheels and rims.


8.10.5Changing, inflating and repairing of tyres.


8.10.6Changing components where significant risk may exist.


8.10.7The adequate support of trackless mobile machines or any of its components which may inadvertently fall on persons.


8.10.8Battery changing procedures on battery powered trackless mobile machines.


8.10.9Control and safety systems to be maintained for battery charging facilities, including the identifying of all the possible related risks and methods to address them.


8.10.10Control and safety systems to be maintained for fuel handling facilities, including the identifying of all the possible related risks and methods to address them.


8.10.11Other aspects such as rigging, welding, exposure to toxic liquids or fumes, dust, firefighting, roadways, emergency preparedness and the use of hazardous substances associated with the operation and maintenance, must be addressed unless covered in another COP.


8.10.12Safely isolating, de-energizing relevant sources of energy and locking out a trackless mobile machine.