Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996)


Guideline for a Mandatory Code of Practice

Cyanide Management

Part A: The Guideline

1. Foreword

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1.1The aim of this Cyanide Guideline is to provide a system to manage cyanide in order to reduce and control the impact of risks associated with the use of cyanide at mines.


1.2The review of this Guideline is to ensure that it remain relevant to current knowledge and practice.


1.3The Guideline is aligned with the International Cyanide Management Code and that the "SOUTH AFRICAN GUIDELINE ON CYANIDE MANAGEMENT FOR GOLD MINING" was used as an informatory in preparation for the Guideline.




It is recommended that the "South African Guideline on Cyanide Management for Gold Mining", "International Cyanide Management Institute: the International Cyanide Management Code" and "Guidance Document for Cyanide" from the Chemical and Allied Industries Association be consulted as an informatory documents in the preparation for the review of the COP.



1.4 This guideline has been designed around best practice principles and includes the latest operational expertise and application of technology for the management of cyanide.